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What a super star!  I have read your book and wish to congratulate you on a super read. It is very readable and quite touching in parts, I could hardly put it down. It was read in three sessions. Obviously I knew parts of the story but equally parts were completely new [though some of that may be to poor memory!]. You mention the standing ovation you received, and I recall your visit to my Probus group. You are still the only one to receive that as well as the two lines of members clapping as you left.

I do hope that your book sells out and that you might ‘risk’ a second print.   Thanks for a good read and power to your elbow as they say.    




I confess! I fell out of love with reading. I’ve not picked up a book for years so I challenged myself to read a book over Christmas….a whole book, not just start it and forget it!

I’m not a fan of fiction; I enjoy reading about real people. I am cheating here as I do know and have worked with Emma but I wasn’t expecting such a fabulous read.

Inspirational - I’ve been battling with negative self talk & lack of confidence which isn’t like me at all. Emma has inspired me to give myself a good talking to. If Emma can do it, I have absolutely no excuse!

Emotional - I knew Emma had faced challenges but I wasn’t prepared to be going through those challenges with her. From her early years to winning medals, I found myself in tears numerous times. But good tears!

Motivational - this book motivated me to start reading again; to motivating me to make changes in 2022. I have no reason to not be good to myself.


Thank you Emma for making the words ‘There’s No Such Word as Can’t’ more than just words on a page. Thank you for the Inspiration and Motivation.


Congratulations on a brilliant read.




What a book !! Had a hard job putting it down once I started reading. Well written . WELL DONE EMMA




Hi Emma

              I have now finished reading your book, ‘There’s no Such Word as Can’t,’ and what a brilliantly motivational book it is. Having known you since you were a baby I have witnessed some of your highs and lows but I had not realised how low the lows were. I think the way you have come through everything still with grit and determination to continue to meet new challenges is truly inspirational.

The book is so well written and easy to read, I have never been a big reader myself but I found it difficult to put your book down. When is the next one coming out?




A heartwarming, heartbreaking, inspiring, down to earth and wonderful read. If you’ve ever thought you can’t, read this to discover that you can.

A true reflection of what we can all achieve when we set our minds to it even if where we end up isn’t where we first thought.

Highly recommend this, you won’t be disappointed




This is a great book and highly recommended. It shows the true strength of the human spirit and how obstacles and goals can be achieved whilst living life with a physical disability. Told in an open, honest and funny way. Very thought-provoking




I was given this book for my birthday and read it in one sitting. Wonderfully written and a real page turner, I would recommend this autobiography to anyone regardless of whether you know much about the sport of para dressage.

Emma Sheardown, born with quadriplegic cerebal palsy, wasn't expected to walk or talk but from her first ride on a Shetland pony at the age of three, she found her calling. She shares how she worked with her body and mind to optimise her riding abilities and how each of her horses learned her unique way of being. Within a few years, her grit and determination led to her becoming one of country's top para dressage riders, to win a gold medal at the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky, USA. I loved hearing about each horse she trained with and also felt for her when she encountered heart-rending tragedies along the way. More recently, Emma has diversified into motivational speaking, inspiring others to be the best that they can be with her unique blend of integrity and wisdom. A highly recommended read.




What a great holiday read this turned out to be. I found this difficult to put down. I learned so so so much about horses AND sheep - not what I was expecting but I was fascinated. it was a peek into another world. Also discovered a lot about the workings of dressage competitions at national and international level. I’ll see it all in a very different way now. I got so caught up in Emma’s hopes and dreams! Through it all - the thread of her determination is so inspiring but never does Emma’s disability over-ride all her achievements and knowledge in her life story. That, by the way, is exactly how she would like the world to be and for disability to be accepted. It’s just a part of the make up of humankind. Equality, Inclusion, diversity. Beautifully balanced book.




If anyone was to say "you can't do that" to Emma, it would be like a red rag to a bull! This is a lady who does not accept no for an answer. Inspirational is the only way to describe her.




It was a fascinating insight in to the challenges Emma has experienced, with an overwhelming sense of family love sewn through it. A fantastic tale of determination, resolve and never giving up! Brilliant!


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